Haynes® 230 (Alloy), UNS N06230
Haynes® 230 (Alloy), UNS N06230 Shaped, Flat, Square, Round, Fine Wire, Plated and Un-plated ASTM B435, ASTM B564, ASTM B572, ASTM B619, ASTM B 622, ASTM B626, AMS 5878, AMS 5891 Alloy 230 Description Alloy 230 is a nickel-chromium-tungsten-molybdenum alloy which combines excellent high temperature strength, oxidation resistance (up to 2100°F), nitriding resistance and long term
Super Alloy INCONEL N06230 (UNS N06230)
IntroductionFabrication and Heat TreatmentApplicationsSuper alloys are high performance alloys that are known for their excellent mechanical strength and resistance to creep at elevated temperatures, good surface stability, and good corrosion and oxidation resistance. Super alloy INCONEL N06230 is a carbide strengthened nickel-chromium-tungsten-molybdenum alloy. This alloy is known for its superior combination of stability, strength and resistance to corrosion at elevated temperatures. It also provides good resistance to oxidation at temperatures greUNS N06230 - Rolled Alloys, Inc.
AL-6XN® alloy (UNS N08367) is a low carbon, high purity, nitrogen-bearing "super-austenitic" stainless alloy. The AL6XN alloy was designed to be a seawater resistant material and has since been demonstrated... 800H/AT. Inventory. Plate; Sheet; and more... Product Details. 800 H/AT - High strength austenitic heat resistant alloy for ASME code applications to 1650°F. Alloy 20. Inventory. Plate ...
Nickel Alloy 230 / Haynes 230 (UNS N06230) - Aircraft ...
UNS N06230 AMS 5878 - Sheet, Strip and Plate AMS 5891 - Bar and Forging GE B50TF246 DIN 17744 No 2.4733 NiCr22W14Mo ASME SB 435 Sheet, Strip and Plate ASME SB 572 Bar and Rod ASME SB 564 Forgings ASME SB 619 Welding Pipe ASME SB 622 Seamless Tube and Pipe ASME SB 626 Welded Tube ASME SB 366 Fittings ASTM B435 Sheet, Strip and Plate ASTM B572 Bar and Rod
Haynes230圆钢密度N06230固溶时效 - 哔哩哔哩
uns n06230合金含镍、铬、钨和钼,具有优良的高温强度,即使长时间暴露于1149°c的高温环境也有突出的抗氧化性能,尤耐氮化环境,有非常好的长时热稳定性。该材料可机加,成型加工和铸造。相比于其他高温合金,230合金的热膨胀特性更低,且在高温条件下,能长时间耐颗粒粗化。 2. 易加工. uns ...
UNS N06230价格-上海威励金属集团有限公司
UNS N06230 加工性能. 煤电领域:火电机组有相当多的部分为超高压。高压蒸汽参数机组,而且随着蒸汽参数的进一步提高,对高温材料的要求越来越高。过热器和再热器是锅炉中工作环境zui为恶劣的部件,承受的压力zui大,温度zui高,因此要求材料具有良好的抗蠕变性能,同时还要满足管子对蒸汽侧 ...
Haynes230 UNS N06230 - 哔哩哔哩
Haynes230 UNS N06230Haynes230 UNS N06230应用领域航空燃气轮机零件燃烧罐晶体管导管火焰持有者热电偶护套航天蜂窝化学加工烤架支架管道和波纹管工业供暖炉甑链条火焰罩格栅和托盘合金 230 描述Haynes230是一种镍铬钨钼合金,旨在兼具出色的高温强度,抗氧化性(最高2100°F),耐氮化性和长期
UNS N06230 - Co., Ltd.
We specialize in providing custom manufactured pipes,tubes,plates,strips,forged bars,fittings in most alloys, UNS N06230,Alloy 230,ASTM B435,ASTM B564,ASTM B572,ASTM B619,ASTM B 622,ASTM B626,AMS 5878,AMS 589. Home; About Us; Material Grades. Nickel Base Alloy. Ni-Fe-Cr. UNS N08800 incoloy alloy 800; UNS N08801; UNS N08811 ; UNS N08810 incoloy Alloy 800H; UNS N08120; UNS
UNS N06230 - Rolled Alloys, Inc.
AL-6XN® alloy (UNS N08367) is a low carbon, high purity, nitrogen-bearing "super-austenitic" stainless alloy. The AL6XN alloy was designed to be a seawater resistant material and has since been demonstrated... 800H/AT. Inventory. Plate; Sheet; and more... Product Details. 800 H/AT - High strength austenitic heat resistant alloy for ASME code applications to 1650°F. Alloy 20. Inventory. Plate ...
UNS N06230 - 牧岩(上海)特种合金有限公司
UNS N06230是一种镍铬钨钼合金,具有出色的高温强度,抗yang化性(高达2100°F),抗渗氮和长期稳定性。合金230是一种固溶强化材料,它在室温下具有优异的高温强度和良好的可加工性。它对于在1200°F(649°C)或更高温度下的长期应用特别有效,并且能够根据温度将不锈钢和镍合金的寿命提
Standard Specification for UNS N06002, UNS N06230, UNS ...
Annealed alloys UNS N06002, UNS N06230, and UNS R30556 sheet and strip shall conform to the grain size requirements. This abstract is a brief summary of the referenced standard. It is informational only and not an official part of the standard; the full text of the standard itself must be referred to for its use and application. ASTM does not give any warranty express or implied or make any ...
Haynes230(UNS N06230)镍合金化学成分热处理uns高温_网易订阅
03.09.2021 Haynes230(UNS N06230)应用:催化剂网格支架、燃气轮机部件、高温波纹管、熔炉部件。 Haynes230(UNS N06230)是一种镍-铬-钨-钼合金,它结合了出色的高温强度和抗氧化性以及卓越的长期稳定性和良好的可加工性。它比大多数高温合金具有更低的热膨胀特性,并且在长时间 ...
UNS N06230-上海威励金属集团有限公司
UNS N06230 UNS N06230 高温合金在600-1200℃高温下能承受一定应力并具有抗yang化或抗腐蚀能力的合金。按基体元素主要可分为铁基高温合金、镍基高温合金和钴基高温合金。按***备工艺可分为变形高温合金、铸造高温合金和粉末冶金高温合金。按强化方式有固溶强化型、沉淀强化型、yang化物弥散强化型
Haynes230 UNS N06230 - 哔哩哔哩
Haynes230 UNS N06230Haynes230 UNS N06230应用领域航空燃气轮机零件燃烧罐晶体管导管火焰持有者热电偶护套航天蜂窝化学加工烤架支架管道和波纹管工业供暖炉甑链条火焰罩格栅和托盘合金 230 描述Haynes230是一种镍铬钨钼合金,旨在兼具出色的高温强度,抗氧化性(最高2100°F),耐氮化性和长期
UNS N06230价格-上海威励金属集团有限公司
UNS N06230 加工性能. 煤电领域:火电机组有相当多的部分为超高压。高压蒸汽参数机组,而且随着蒸汽参数的进一步提高,对高温材料的要求越来越高。过热器和再热器是锅炉中工作环境zui为恶劣的部件,承受的压力zui大,温度zui高,因此要求材料具有良好的抗蠕变性能,同时还要满足管子对蒸汽侧 ...
UNS N06230/W.Nr.2.4733镍基高温合金 棒 板管_性能
13.09.2021 uns n06230/w.nr.2.4733镍基高温合金 棒 板管 2021-09-13 10:25 来源: 上海冶韩特种金属 原标题:UNS N06230/W.Nr.2.4733镍基高温合金 棒 板管
Haynes 230(UNS N06230) - 知乎
Haynes 230(UNS N06230) 一、标准号: 二、化学成分(wt%):CCrNiCoWMoAl0.05~0.1520.0~24.0余量≤5.013.0~151.0~3.00.20~0.50FeBSiMnPSLa≤3.0≤0.0150.25~0.750.30~1.00≤0.030≤0.0150.005~0.050 三、物理性能:杨
UNS N06230 - Rolled Alloys, Inc.
AL-6XN® alloy (UNS N08367) is a low carbon, high purity, nitrogen-bearing "super-austenitic" stainless alloy. The AL6XN alloy was designed to be a seawater resistant material and has since been demonstrated... 800H/AT. Inventory. Plate; Sheet; and more... Product Details. 800 H/AT - High strength austenitic heat resistant alloy for ASME code applications to 1650°F. Alloy 20. Inventory. Plate ...
UNS N06230 - Co., Ltd.
We specialize in providing custom manufactured pipes,tubes,plates,strips,forged bars,fittings in most alloys, UNS N06230,Alloy 230,ASTM B435,ASTM B564,ASTM B572,ASTM B619,ASTM B 622,ASTM B626,AMS 5878,AMS 589. Home; About Us; Material Grades. Nickel Base Alloy. Ni-Fe-Cr. UNS N08800 incoloy alloy 800; UNS N08801; UNS N08811 ; UNS N08810 incoloy Alloy 800H; UNS N08120; UNS
Alloy 230, UNS N06230, Nickel-legierter Stahl, Hersteller ...
Alloy 230, UNS N06230. Eigenschaften: Alloy 230 kombiniert ausgezeichnete Hochtemperaturfestigkeit, hervorragende Beständigkeit gegen oxidierende Umgebungen bis zu 1149 ° C für längere Einwirkungsdauer, erstklassige Beständigkeit gegen Nitrierumgebungen und ausgezeichnete thermische Langzeitstabilität.
Standard Specification for UNS N06002, UNS N06230, UNS ...
Annealed alloys UNS N06002, UNS N06230, and UNS R30556 sheet and strip shall conform to the grain size requirements. This abstract is a brief summary of the referenced standard. It is informational only and not an official part of the standard; the full text of the standard itself must be referred to for its use and application. ASTM does not give any warranty express or implied or make any ...
UNS N06230 - 牧岩(上海)特种合金有限公司
UNS N06230是一种镍铬钨钼合金,具有出色的高温强度,抗yang化性(高达2100°F),抗渗氮和长期稳定性。合金230是一种固溶强化材料,它在室温下具有优异的高温强度和良好的可加工性。它对于在1200°F(649°C)或更高温度下的长期应用特别有效,并且能够根据温度将不锈钢和镍合金的寿命提
UNS N06230/W.Nr.2.4733镍基高温合金 棒 板管_性能
13.09.2021 uns n06230/w.nr.2.4733镍基高温合金 棒 板管 2021-09-13 10:25 来源: 上海冶韩特种金属 原标题:UNS N06230/W.Nr.2.4733镍基高温合金 棒 板管
Haynes230(UNS N06230)镍合金化学成分热处理uns高温_网易订阅
03.09.2021 Haynes230(UNS N06230)应用:催化剂网格支架、燃气轮机部件、高温波纹管、熔炉部件。 Haynes230(UNS N06230)是一种镍-铬-钨-钼合金,它结合了出色的高温强度和抗氧化性以及卓越的长期稳定性和良好的可加工性。它比大多数高温合金具有更低的热膨胀特性,并且在长时间 ...
Haynes 230(UNS N06230) - 知乎
Haynes 230(UNS N06230) 一、标准号: 二、化学成分(wt%):CCrNiCoWMoAl0.05~0.1520.0~24.0余量≤5.013.0~151.0~3.00.20~0.50FeBSiMnPSLa≤3.0≤0.0150.25~0.750.30~1.00≤0.030≤0.0150.005~0.050 三、物理性能:杨
UNS N02200, N02201, N04400, N06600 Nickel Alloys6 Moly ...
Trade Name UNS Nickel Alloy Industry Specifications Chemical Composition; Nickel 200: UNS N02200: ASME SB-160, SB-161, SB-162, SB-163 ASTM B160, B161, B162, B163, B366, B564, B725, B730 AWS C2.25 (W-Ni-2): C 0.15 max Cu 0.25 max Fe 0.40 max Mn 0.35 max Ni 99.0 min S 0.010 max Si 0.35 max : Nickel 201: UNS N02201: ASTM B160, B161, B162, B163, B366, B725, B730: C 0.02 max Cu
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ALLOY 230, UNS N06230 - Zhejiang Sinp Metal Corporation
Features:Alloy 230 combines excellent high temperature strength, outstanding resistance to oxidizing environments up to 1149℃ for prolonged exposure, premier resistance to nitriding environments, and excellent long term thermal stability.It has low thermal expansion than most high temperature alloys, and good resistance to grain coarsening with prolonged exposure to high temperatures.
UNS N06230 - Rolled Alloys, Inc.
AL-6XN® alloy (UNS N08367) is a low carbon, high purity, nitrogen-bearing "super-austenitic" stainless alloy. The AL6XN alloy was designed to be a seawater resistant material and has since been demonstrated... 800H/AT. Inventory. Plate; Sheet; and more... Product Details. 800 H/AT - High strength austenitic heat resistant alloy for ASME code applications to 1650°F. Alloy 20. Inventory. Plate ...
Alloy 230, UNS N06230, Nickel-legierter Stahl, Hersteller ...
Alloy 230, UNS N06230. Eigenschaften: Alloy 230 kombiniert ausgezeichnete Hochtemperaturfestigkeit, hervorragende Beständigkeit gegen oxidierende Umgebungen bis zu 1149 ° C für längere Einwirkungsdauer, erstklassige Beständigkeit gegen Nitrierumgebungen und ausgezeichnete thermische Langzeitstabilität.
UNS N06230 - 牧岩(上海)特种合金有限公司
UNS N06230是一种镍铬钨钼合金,具有出色的高温强度,抗yang化性(高达2100°F),抗渗氮和长期稳定性。合金230是一种固溶强化材料,它在室温下具有优异的高温强度和良好的可加工性。它对于在1200°F(649°C)或更高温度下的长期应用特别有效,并且能够根据温度将不锈钢和镍合金的寿命提
Haynes230(UNS N06230)镍合金化学成分热处理uns高温_网易订阅
03.09.2021 Haynes230(UNS N06230)应用:催化剂网格支架、燃气轮机部件、高温波纹管、熔炉部件。 Haynes230(UNS N06230)是一种镍-铬-钨-钼合金,它结合了出色的高温强度和抗氧化性以及卓越的长期稳定性和良好的可加工性。它比大多数高温合金具有更低的热膨胀特性,并且在长时间 ...
UNS N06230/W.Nr.2.4733镍基高温合金 棒 板管_性能
13.09.2021 uns n06230/w.nr.2.4733镍基高温合金 棒 板管 2021-09-13 10:25 来源: 上海冶韩特种金属 原标题:UNS N06230/W.Nr.2.4733镍基高温合金 棒 板管
Haynes 230(UNS N06230) - 知乎
Haynes 230(UNS N06230) 一、标准号: 二、化学成分(wt%):CCrNiCoWMoAl0.05~0.1520.0~24.0余量≤5.013.0~151.0~3.00.20~0.50FeBSiMnPSLa≤3.0≤0.0150.25~0.750.30~1.00≤0.030≤0.0150.005~0.050 三、物理性能:杨
UNS N02200, N02201, N04400, N06600 Nickel Alloys6 Moly ...
Trade Name UNS Nickel Alloy Industry Specifications Chemical Composition; Nickel 200: UNS N02200: ASME SB-160, SB-161, SB-162, SB-163 ASTM B160, B161, B162, B163, B366, B564, B725, B730 AWS C2.25 (W-Ni-2): C 0.15 max Cu 0.25 max Fe 0.40 max Mn 0.35 max Ni 99.0 min S 0.010 max Si 0.35 max : Nickel 201: UNS N02201: ASTM B160, B161, B162, B163, B366, B725, B730: C 0.02 max Cu
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